Wednesday, December 4, 2013

World Aids Day, December 1, 2013

Recently World AIDS Day celebrated its 25th anniversary on December 1 and thus helped the whole world reflect back and analyse, that how successful they had been in raising the awareness against the epidemic around the globe.

Like every year SRC (Social Responsibility Cell) of XIMB celebrated this day by organizing an AIDS awareness program among the people of a nearby slum called Salia Sai.SRC members, in joint collaboration with OSACS (ORISSA STATE AIDS CONTROL SOCIETY) arranged the program which started with the volunteers arranging the sound and light system in small stage like arena in the Salia Sai field. Red badges bearing the symbol for AIDS were also distributed among the residents of the nearby houses.

The show started with a short awareness film in Oriya which helped attract the crowd. The SRC members were on their toes to manage the heterogeneous crowd and were soon able to segregate the target group of their awareness program.

After this the volunteers performed a street play regarding the awareness. The skit was in tandem with the theme of the program and thus managed to attract more people. The skit performed was primarily in Hindi with a few dialects in Oriya and thus the gathering was well connected.

This was the opportunity for the OSACS trainer to step forward and clarify some of the wrong notions regarding the factors and conditions leading to the spread of the epidemic. The trainer, Mr.Prabhu ensured that the message of awareness should percolate well among the target crowd. In the mean time SRC volunteers distributed pamphlets to the people of Salia Sai.

Though the issue was sensitive, the volunteers handled it with ease and perfection and were successful in ensuring full co-operation and participation from the crowd.
Kudos to the SRC team and special thanks to Xstage for the street play!!


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